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"Last SDA... Makes me SAD" - Bott

If it's any indication of how difficult it is for me to write this post, I've had it saved as a draft for seven days...

Exactly one week ago, on May 22, 2018, I completed my final SDA - a story time activity that involved a reading of "Not ALL Worms Are Gross!" and some fun with the glowing worm box. The kindergartners at Y-time were very welcoming and had tons of questions which was so great.

I continually return to this notion of sharing knowledge. It's a pretty incredible thing to grasp mere understanding of the things we study, but being able to welcome others into your world of curiosity is something far more precious. I'm really glad I could do that in my final SDA.

As you can imagine, things are winding down. After this final SDA, I realized the symposium is all I have left. It's sad because although I know it's time to move on, it's still difficult to let go of this class that has become a part of me over the past three years.

Alongside that nostalgia though, I know that every single lesson I've learned throughout this process will be echoing in my mind as I move forward. While I won't be in the GHS library every day or writing journals all the time, EMC has changed me and I will carry those improvements, those important tools, everywhere I go. (238)

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