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Worm Box Update

All that's left for construction, besides filling the box with all the worm-related things I can think of, is to clean the top. Mr. Gockley and I had planned to leave the top as a plexiglass sheet slightly larger than the box so it could be a removable cover. After finishing construction of the box and cutting the top, however, I felt like the cover needed to be something a little more substantial.

In discussing this with Mr. Gockley, he taught me an important lesson that I think is applicable beyond the world of construction. We began to discuss the flaws of plans and how most of the time, they don't happen as we expect them to occur. 

While optimism is a great thing, the truth is that we can never know what's going to happen or what unexpected events will occur. But I think that fact can be somewhat relieving. Maybe the reality that we can't know what will happen helps us to focus on the here and now. Obviously, this worm box is a shallow example, but talking with Mr. Gockley and going through the process of design with something that I physically produced served as an important reminder.

Don't worry, I think we have a good plan moving forward - to create a border around the cover with polyvinyl tape. But you never know what will happen to change that plan. The most important thing is to respond to any changes that occur and move forward. (247)

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