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April Goal Post

This month brings many events but also leaves us in anticipation of more excitement.

Last Tuesday, I defended my thesis. This sounds a lot more spectacular than it was but nonetheless, my paper was approved and it was a pretty great experience.

Tomorrow, is GPL Day - formally called "Free to Learn." I'm quite anxious about what can happen in two hours on a Saturday afternoon but I'm also excited. Planning this event has been a great opportunity for us to build community among ourselves and reach out to the larger, Guilderland community.

Moving forward, I will be working on a reflective piece for my final paper due at the end of this month and also trying to build a toolbox with the much appreciated (and needed) help of Mr. Gockley. This will constitute the remainder of April but after that, May brings the STEAM expo and last but not least, our annual symposium is in June.

Things are winding down and although I hate every single bit of this ending, there is no escape from it. The past three years have been the best possible blur of inquiry, learning, and improvement.

I always think there's more time or that things aren't actually ending - until they do and I'm out of time. I suppose though, the good thing is that I really feel like I've learned and grown quite a bit throughout this all. (235)

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