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Striving to Understand

Do you care about other aspects of disease research beyond it's substantive components?

This question may sound accusatory but when I truly considered it, many things became clear.

One of the dictionary definitions for the word "understand" is "to be thoroughly familiar with; apprehend clearly the character, nature, or subtleties of." We might not always realize but the fact that "understanding" suggests holistic conception is extremely exhausting. Understanding requires great effort because it necessitates the conviction that there indeed exists a larger picture. When we realize how minuscule a role our own is and start to explore the infinite perspectives we have no knowledge of, that is when we truly set off on the path to understanding.

Am I good at or quick to understanding things on the human end of disease research? Not really. But I must try. I must try to see those components and consider them in light of familiar concepts.

So, do I care? Absolutely. If the goal of inquiry is to understand, how can I do so without venturing beyond the limits of myself? What we have to recognize before even trying to "understand" is that there are so many factors, subtleties, and nuances that we are completely ignorant of. Some will shake us, and others will render us speechless. But the necessary conclusion is that they ALL matter. If I neglect even one of those perspectives, then I might as well declare defeat before even trying. True understanding lacks partiality, and we must do our very best to remember that. (243)

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